Tying up your boat properly in a storm is crucial to ensure it remains safe and secure.
Here's a step-by-step guide to tying up your boat in a storm:
Choose a sheltered location: Before the storm arrives, find a sheltered location for your boat. Look for a protected harbor or a cove that will provide some protection from the wind and waves.
Use enough lines to secure your boat to the dock. A good rule of thumb is to use at least four lines: one at the bow, one at the stern, and two amidships. Make sure the lines are long enough to allow for the rise and fall of the tide.
Use appropriate lines: Use lines that are appropriate for the size and weight of your boat. The lines should be strong enough to withstand the force of the wind and waves.
Use cleats and chocks: Tie the lines to cleats or chocks on the dock. Make sure the cleats and chocks are secure and can withstand the force of the wind and waves.
Use inflatable fenders: Inflate your PVC inflatable fenders and tie them to the boat using the strong ropes. Place them between the boat and the dock to provide a cushion and prevent damage in case the boat is pushed against the dock by the wind or waves.
Check the lines: Once you have tied up your boat, check the lines regularly to make sure they are secure and have not come loose. Adjust the lines as needed to ensure the boat remains in the best possible position.
Remember, tying up your boat properly is essential to keeping it safe during a storm. By following these steps and using inflatable fenders, you can protect your boat from damage and ensure its safety.
Good information if I had a boat. So what do I do now?